Friday, May 29, 2009

Week 2...

Stomache aches....
Wacky bus rides....
Week 2 in Coasta Rica was filled with all of the above!
These people drive like cartoons, if any of you remember the throwback Looney Tunes!!!
Twins and turns...Buses doing 80 on curves...But, no wrecks!!!

Man...Costa Rican life is SO carefree...I LOVE IT!....Ok, funny story:

Me and my friend (((who is also from the USA))) were walking home from another friend's house one night...And our houses are blocked in by this big gate that you have to unlock with a key....So, I am unlocking the door. I turn and I turn. And when I stopped turning...All I got back was HALF A KEY!!!...YUP! The rest of it was stuck in the door!!! Well, I stared at it for a minute, while my friend was freaking out...I couldn't contain my laughter!!! I'm pretty used to messing things up!!!....So, how on earth are we gonna get in NOW!!!...We're outside at night standing in the middle of a Costa Rican neighborhood that we know NOTHING about....Neither 1 of us speak Spanish well!!!

Along comes the police...For the 1st time in my life, I'm actually HAPPY to see these bastards! Only problem is...They speaka NO INGLES!!!!......Damn right?.....So, I say to them "Adyudme Por favor!"...."Help me please!"....And something about a key and whatnot...Yeah, I had to show them what I did!!! So, out step these three cops with guns the size of watermelons!!!...By the time they made it to the gate, I had figured out how to open it....Yeah, they were absolutely NO help @ all!!!!

This isn't the funny part....

So, I made my friend go and tell my mom the I was very sad (((in Espanol!))) and I put my scarf over my face and pretended to cry!...Though I was really laughing SO hard!!! After she said like 800 words in 30 seconds, she began to laugh! She tried to explain to me that it was ok! (((I didn't understand a word of it!!!))) So, she went next door to her sister's house and got some tools and I followed her while she attempted to retrieve the key....No luck...Her sister tried...Still no luck, then her daughter, then a cousin, then another friend, and random people off of the streets...All I could think is how funny this was! I mean, there were literally 15 people outside of the gate trying their hardest to fix something I messed up...LITTLE OLE ME....And not 1 of them was upset (((Patience America. Patience.)))

It didn't get fixed that night....

But, when I woke up the next morning, mi papa was coming around the corner with the key in hand! WHAT A RELIEF!...Joking about how it was gonna cost me 20 US dollars...Well, he said it in Spanish, but I recognized a couple of words (((Literally, 2 words!)))

It's funny how I seem to jack things up where ever I go...O well! Costa Rica iPURA VIDA!

.........Peace Until Our Next Encounter.........

1 comment:

  1. TYPiCAL G!.wat's new??.i THiNK you may even have me beat!
