Friday, May 29, 2009

Week 2...

Stomache aches....
Wacky bus rides....
Week 2 in Coasta Rica was filled with all of the above!
These people drive like cartoons, if any of you remember the throwback Looney Tunes!!!
Twins and turns...Buses doing 80 on curves...But, no wrecks!!!

Man...Costa Rican life is SO carefree...I LOVE IT!....Ok, funny story:

Me and my friend (((who is also from the USA))) were walking home from another friend's house one night...And our houses are blocked in by this big gate that you have to unlock with a key....So, I am unlocking the door. I turn and I turn. And when I stopped turning...All I got back was HALF A KEY!!!...YUP! The rest of it was stuck in the door!!! Well, I stared at it for a minute, while my friend was freaking out...I couldn't contain my laughter!!! I'm pretty used to messing things up!!!....So, how on earth are we gonna get in NOW!!!...We're outside at night standing in the middle of a Costa Rican neighborhood that we know NOTHING about....Neither 1 of us speak Spanish well!!!

Along comes the police...For the 1st time in my life, I'm actually HAPPY to see these bastards! Only problem is...They speaka NO INGLES!!!!......Damn right?.....So, I say to them "Adyudme Por favor!"...."Help me please!"....And something about a key and whatnot...Yeah, I had to show them what I did!!! So, out step these three cops with guns the size of watermelons!!!...By the time they made it to the gate, I had figured out how to open it....Yeah, they were absolutely NO help @ all!!!!

This isn't the funny part....

So, I made my friend go and tell my mom the I was very sad (((in Espanol!))) and I put my scarf over my face and pretended to cry!...Though I was really laughing SO hard!!! After she said like 800 words in 30 seconds, she began to laugh! She tried to explain to me that it was ok! (((I didn't understand a word of it!!!))) So, she went next door to her sister's house and got some tools and I followed her while she attempted to retrieve the key....No luck...Her sister tried...Still no luck, then her daughter, then a cousin, then another friend, and random people off of the streets...All I could think is how funny this was! I mean, there were literally 15 people outside of the gate trying their hardest to fix something I messed up...LITTLE OLE ME....And not 1 of them was upset (((Patience America. Patience.)))

It didn't get fixed that night....

But, when I woke up the next morning, mi papa was coming around the corner with the key in hand! WHAT A RELIEF!...Joking about how it was gonna cost me 20 US dollars...Well, he said it in Spanish, but I recognized a couple of words (((Literally, 2 words!)))

It's funny how I seem to jack things up where ever I go...O well! Costa Rica iPURA VIDA!

.........Peace Until Our Next Encounter.........

Monday, May 18, 2009

Ok. Close your eyes. Think of Central America............................................................>>>>>>>>>>>

Now, throw everything you are thinking away...................................................>>>>>>>>>

Imagine this.

A small country with water kissing each of its sides.
Never too hot and never too cold.
The greenest place on earth.
Every fruit and plant you can think of.
Fruit markets are just about nonexistant.
No need for fatty artificially flavored cereals or candies.
You can wake up in the morning and climb a tree for breakfast or lunch.
Dinner is bursting with flavor!
Everywhwere you walk, you are greeted with a smile or a kiss...followed by a warm "Hola"
And sixteen robberies A YEAR is cause for panic.
Goofy little junkies who steal off of bread trucks...The workers usually let them slide.
People driving 80 mph (LEGALLY) and NO WRECKS...
The only worry is.....Well, there is none.
No hassle...Just life
Live and let live.
Cities on mountain tops.
Miles and miles of farm land.
No miseducation or lack there of.
Free education for all.
People who are eager to share their culture and languge.
Water as soft as air.
As little polution and waste as can be imagined.
Stray dogs minding their own business as they pass you on the street.
Four generations of people with houses on the same property...Filled with mango, banana, apple, orange, and lemon trees!
Trouble is not easily found....

Picture this:

Costa Rica

.........Peace until our next encounter.........

Free Fallin....

Jumped out of the plane without a perchute....Right into the sky called You...Only Heaven knows where I'll land...Can't stop myself...Didn't ask for this...Don't even know why I jumped....It's too late to turn back now...Nothing down below or up above matters....I'm stuck....In you....Nothing to hold on to....Just stuck right here in You....The plane is well on its way to its destination...Guess it hasn't notice this passenger missing...I can't hear the birds or the passing aircrafts...Don't feel the wind throwing me to and fro...Can't see anything...All I hear is You...All I see is You...All I feel is You......Tried grabbing a cloud, but I fell through....Well, I tried....Now, I'm free to fall......Stuck.Free fallin for you.
..........Peace unil our next encounter.........

Friday, May 15, 2009


I run my hands over the smooth exterior.
Back and forth....Forth and back.
It is hard...And in my eyes, it shines like the sun.
I grasp it with both hands....Careful to position my fingers in all the right places.
Hands set the mood.

I look up to see if I'm on the right track.

I am....

With confiramtion, I move forward...

Place my tongue into the mouthpiece.
In and out...Out and in.
Then use it to wet my lips
Back into the mouthpiece it goes...To arouse the task at hand.

Hands squeeze a bit tighter.

The time is almost near.

My feelings are tingling...Heart beats faster with each passing moment...

Again, I glance up. Unsure of myself at this moment...Haven't done this in a while
....Like I'm a virgin at it again...But how quickly the body remembers...

I lick the mouthpiece once more...

Grab from my innermost being and inhale...Holding the air until I am ready.

And then...then...I blow.

And keep blowing...Haven't blown this hard in quite some time.

Hands clinch tighter as fingers ride the valves....Up and down like two lovers exhibiting their deepest of emotions.

Lips go dry, not to worry...The tongue knows its job.

Loud screams and melodious notes escape as my lips and hands work...Head bobbing up and down...Left to right.

Feet tapping...Can't get enough!

This could go on forever...Only in my dreams.
Next time...I'll blow you even harder.
Song over.
Trumpet back in case.

Next time.

.........Peace until our next encounter.........

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Sitting here legs crossed
Denim jeans
Forrest green scoop-necked shirt
Straw hat
Two twists to the back
Brown necklace. Heart and peace charms
In a daze
Just watching ppl pass in and out of the hospital room
Funny how our bodies tend to pause life
A couple of days ago, just up and about the house
Next morning, you're gone
Curse my 1pm rises!
Had I been up earlier....
Sitting here awaiting your arrival from your procedure.
Sorry about hurting your feelings. Didn't come see you for two days.
You didn't hesitate to let me know.
But this...all of this...hurts my feelings
Seeing you like this.
Wondering if this will be your last hospital visit
The least you could do is stick around to watch me graduate.
From college....Ok law school if that's not too much to ask for....
So I'm just gonna sit here
And wait
And wait.....
Havnt eaten all day.
Won't eat til I know you are well.
I'm waiting.............
Please don't talk to me, Sir.
Ma'am, hands off.
No hugs. No kisses. No conversation.
I'm visibly distraught as you all can tell.
For obvious reasons
So, allow me to wait.
In peace.............................

"I need you here at 12 when I wake up..."

10 a.m....Backing out of the driveway....

Stop at Mickey D's on the way out for 2 hashbrowns, a sausage biscuit, and an orange juice....

Tank on FULL...

Radio in tuned to the Delta's best country station ((((This should last an hour and a half or so))))...

Windows down while the wind whistles in and out of the Infiniti. No air conditioner on....

Sun smiling up high. Clouds as blue as Smurfs...

....Gotta get there by 12 p.m....

Heartbeat....Pulse raging ((((At the thought of the destination))))...

Tree....Tree...Cow...Duck...Catfish pond...Catfish pond...

Left to thoughts...

An hour passes...There's Mississippi Valley State...Almost there...

Heart beating faster still...

Just 30 more minutes of agonizing anticipation...

It's quite climactic....

The apex of this journey is reached upon the entrance into the designated city....

Now, to find the house....Merge right...Keep straight...Left at the light...Down to the stop sign...Yep, this is the street...Ok, 2nd (or 3rd) house on the left.....Yes....There it is!!!

Car creeps into the driveway...Every one's home...Speaking of home....The house has a country feel...Looks like a house down in Savannah, GA....

Knock at the door...."Who is it???"...."Me!!!"...."Me who???"...."Who did you tell to be here at 12?!"......"WHAT"........Run to the door.....

Door opens....

To a pleasant surprise...The one standing inside is quite shocked, yet delighted beyond words....The one on the outside is even more excited upon this reaction....

Forgetting that no teeth had been brushed and bread crumbs were still quite present in the eye's corners....One rushes out to hug and kiss (on the cheek of course...) the other....

With no words, just smiles, both enter the house...This is the only moment that matters....Each being one another's only plan for the day....

"I need you here at 12 when I wake up."

"You never expected to see me, but here I am. Doesn't really matter what we do, as long as WE do it."

Events are to be left to the imagination, no matter what is to be imagined....

.........Peace until our next encounter.........

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Gone In 30 Seconds...

The left leans in to the right and stops midway...The right does the same...
They meet in the middle and lock.
As if trying to suck each other's thoughts and feelings up.
One tongue slips into the other's
They begin to wrestle.
French is what they call it.
Eyes close.
Minds open.
Hands search.
The left departs from the right.
To find another partner to wrestle with.
Travels South.
And finds what it is looking for.
The right remains.
.......The first 30 seconds have come and gone....What shall the next bring.......

.........Peace until our next encounter.........


As the years creep on fly on by....

Ok, let's try this once more...As the years fly on by, life becomes a bit funnier than it was the year or even moment before...

Starting with the affairs of the world...

We (the United States) bomb them, then We give them bombs just to keep quite...A decade or two later, they hit us...Now, We're mad...So, We lie to the rest of the world like they contain "weapons of mass destruction" when We know that the only weapons they really have are the ones that We've been providing for the past 20 years or so. And the only thing they really have is suprisingly...OIL...Hmmm??? Now. What use have we for this natural element...I'm guessin' you can put 2 and 2 together. If you have, then you should be laughing right now......HAHAHA! This is truly an LOL moment people~~~~Still not laughing????

Ok, well what about this one....

So, there's this president right. The apple of the world's eye. Slick talkin', smooth walkin', weed smokin', jazz playin'......The economy is at its peek. People are living it up. We're all getting along for the most part ((((Except for that whole East Coast, West Coast mess...Which the police took care of...Right???)))) Ok, so everything is all hunky doory! People are rocking too big clothing...Burger, fries, and drink are all .99 cents! ....Every thing's cool, that is until somebody decides to stick a cock in their mouth and suck it!!!! .......I mean, it's cool...People have been sucking cocks since the beginning of time....And they still are....If somebody wants to suck a cock, who are we to stop them, right......But this cock, this cock was different! This cock belonged to the president of the United States of America....And, although I'm sure EVERY president has had his cock sucked at one point or another.......No president was so bold as to have his sucked right in the OVAL OFFICE, while signing a bill ((((Ok, so I added that part, but who knows...Maybe he was signing a bill!!!!)))).................This is not when everything feel apart, NO. It all fell apart when "The Sucker" snitched on "The Sucked"!!!! In front of the ENTIRE WORLD!!!!! I think you know who I'm talking about by now....Or at least you should! So, be my guess...LAUGH IT UP WILL YA!!!!

On a personal note....

It seems funny how you can put your whole heart into someone and when you ask for their hand, it's occupied....

Or maybe this is sorta funny...You give a kiss and it's never returned...Never thought that could happen...O but it does~~~~~~

If you still aren't laughing, maybe this will tickle your fancy....You trick yourself into thinking that you are really in love with someone or that they are really in love with you and .BOOOM. One little event changes this all...Then you realize that you have waisted years, months, or weeks of your life entertaining a notion that is nonexistant....Hmmm....This happen to any of you lately???

Ok, so life is a lot funnier to me than the average person...Even the quote-on-quote bad stuff that happens to us.......

...Like failing a course...Or slippin in dog crap...Or your gym shorts falling in the middle of a softball game, while trying to catch a pop-up in right field...Or getting run over by a police officer chasing a "criminal" through your front yard...Or many other things...I'll end the list now before you all realize just how unCOOL I really am....

.....Yeah, life is quite funny, so be my guess....ROTF and LYAO!!!!

.........Peace until our next encounter.........


You know, she has this uncanny ability to ease any situation...

.....This kid walked up behind us last night as we were getting out of the car. Still wearing his school uniform...A clearly distraught look on his face...Well, my heart is beating a bit faster cause, yeah I know I'm going to have to fight him off....

...Not her...She just turns to him and says, "Hey baby, what grade are you in?"
Astonished, he looked back up at her and said in an almost whispering voice, "Tenth grade, ma'am."
"O, ok, do you know my daughter,...???"
"Yes ma'am, I go to school with her..."
"So, where are You goin'??? Home???"
"Yes ma'am..."
"Ok, then. You be safe, hun."

...Without hesitation, she just continues to walk towards the front door as if nothing happened...All the while, I'm standing there trying to keep my cool...

...Yeah, she's somethin' else alright....The strongest person I know actually...Well, with all the disappointments. Heart aches. Head aches. Pains (physical, mental, spiritual).

You know, she has this uncanny ability to fix things...

...Like the time I got a nail stuck in my foot after she told me NOT to play around on the old boards or "you'll get a nail stuck in your foot!" ...Or the time I drug my younger brother down the street with my bike ((((He was supposed to be holding on to the jump rope...that consequently got caught in his roller blades!!!)))) Yeah, she fixed his back right on up. It was good as new. Well, almost good as new ...What about the time that my playmate ((((Who was far too overweight for her age at the time!!!)))) fell from the top of my bunk bed on to my left foot! I thought I would never walk again!!! ...Ok, I'm pretty sure you get the picture...I could go on all day, that's just how much I've messed up........

Unfortunately, she also possesses this uncanny ability to ease the peace...if you know what I mean...

...She can walk into a quiet room, say one word, and the peace departs...It goes far beyond fussing or repremanding! Really can't explain it...As one might know, this is my least favorite part of the person I call "Mother."

...We were all sitting around watching TV and having a smashing good time ((((one of my favorite British phrases behind "toppa the morin" and "old chum"...Ok, maybe "toppa the mornin" is Irish? Hmmm? Ok, back to the task at hand!!!)))) So...Where was I...Yes, we're all sitting around enjoying one another, when all of a sudden, the front door opens and unfortunately, so does Mother's mouth!!! "What are y'all doin!" "Get up!!!" "Did anybody feed the dog!!!" "LOOK! I know y'all heard me!!!" "Turn the TV off!!!"

...As if she doesn't get mad enough...I tend to laugh and carry on nonchalantly...It's just how I am when I'm totally turned off by someone or something...In this case, Mother...

...O Mother...She's quite laughable actually...Well, I always laugh!!!

.........Peace until our next encounter.........

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Do Not Disturb"

My whole life seems to be one large hotel room with the door closed and locked...And a "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door...
...Room service is always ordered. Never brought into the room. Just leave it at the door.....Many phone calls. Sometimes answered. Often times ignored. Phone always rings.


...Don't come to me; I'll come to you. Got a key to many other hotel rooms...Only a few, maybe two or three actually have a key to mine...

You...Hmmmm??? You went to the front desk and acquired my room key...Totally ignored the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door. Came right in...

I walked out of the bathroom to a pleasant surprise. The image of you standing there. Bags in hand. Room key in your back pocket. Standing there as if I were expecting you. As if invited...


...Listening at the door to see if I would throw you out. When you remained. They listened to see if I was enjoying your company. So they talk amongst themselves while they stand at the door. Leave 'em out there. They'll never get in...


...Drop your bags. Enjoy what happens in this room of mine. Don't think you'll be leaving any time soon...


.........Peace until our next encounter.........

PreparaciĆ³n para Costa Rica

Well...In exactly four days they are going to pack me up and ship me out. Where to? The tropical paradise that is Costa Rica...I'm always up for new adventures. New fun. New people. It is my belief that life is just one big Oddyssey anyways... ¡Vamos a la gente de Costa Rica! Funny thing about foreigners, they tend to be a bit less arrogant than us and a lot more humble...Except those damn Brits! (((( My puppy just barked for the 1st time! AWWW!!!)))) Maybe that has something to do with the fact that we won our independence from them??? Hmmm....Ok, so I'm over here brushing up on my Spanish and learning a few new phrases...Got all that. Only thing is that I don't know any "pick-up" lines! Hahaha!!! How on earth am I gonna be an international pimp???!!! Ok, I suppose I can go learn a few...Let me know what you all think. And please don't laugh! THIS IS A SERIOUS MATTER......

....Seven weeks of semiseclusion isn't really all that bad! When you have been dealing with arrogant US bastards for 20 years! Maybe I'll be treated like a queen when I get there! Kinda like Eddie Murphy in "Coming to America" only the other way around...And I'll be starring in "Coming to Costa Rica!" ((((My grandfather is on the phone gossiping again! He always uses the same line "Look now, this is just between me and you!" HA! It's freaking hillarious how MESSY senior citizens truly are!!!)))) Ok, so back to me being a Tico (Spanish for Costa Rican) Queen...As long as they don't do any sacrificing, it's all good! Oooo, they should fan me with big tropical leaves and feed me exotic fruit straight from the trees...Yeah, that's it! I know I'm exaggerating a bit...Ok, they don't have to fan me with the leaves!!! But the fruit is not up for disscusion! If I don't get my daily serving of fruit~~~~~OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!

....I digress....I'm gonna come back with the best tan any of you have ever seen! Yeah, it's gonna be quite sexy~~~So, cuff your man~~~HAHAHA!!! Ok, I'm done for now.....

.........Peace until our next encounter.........

A Concrete Thought From the Blackberry...

I sat in the mirror today and just stared at myself....

....What I saw were brown eyes. Thick eyebrows. Pink lips. Mother's nose....All making up the jovial disposition of the one looking back at me. Seemed to be a waste....I already know my own physical make up...Something urged me to look a little closer. This I did do. Couldn't see my face any longer. What I saw was a stream of seemingly endless tears. Which saddened me. These tears quickly turned tonto laughter. Uncontrollable laughter. Behind the laughter I could still see the tears...I took a closer look...Saw the faces of others. Crying out for help. These faces turned into familiar ones....Loved ones...They quickly changed to past lovers...I backed up>>>The mirror went dark...No reflection of myself...Then came a brilliant light htat didn't leave. No longer could I see myself. I stepped away from the mirror. Peeked back. The light shown even more brilliant this time. A voice came from the light. "Eternal illuminance." My physical reflection returned...Perplexed, I departed from the mirror. Next morning, as I wipe my eyes in the mirror, this light continues to shine...No longer can I see myslf...I take out another mirror>>>Same results>>>The voice comes back. "No longer will u see your natural self. Only your spiritual light. For I AM the light that guides you. In My image were you formed. You are of the Spirit. Not this natural world. My light shall forever illuminate itself through you." Without a thought, I accepted this. This is my destiny. My light. My Self.......

....True event you ask???

....In every spiritual since of the word....

.........Peace until our next encounter.........

Life as i suppose it should be....

Life should be perfect in every way. Everything I want should be gotten. And everyone I want should want me...None of this should be wrong...Everything that feels right, should be RIGHT. Smoking should not kill...Neither should people. There should be no funerals, especially not for children who never got to see age 10. Because death and hatred should not exist. Hidden motives should be of no worry...People should be straight forward and genuine. A kiss should be a kiss...Nothing more, nothing less. Laughter should dominate our emotions. Joy should dominate our souls....Adam and Eve should never have eaten of the forbidden...No food should kill you...Money should not be cause enough to end one's own life. Cancer should not ravage the body...We should always do what is right...Sound judgement should always be put to use. Wisdom should be our closest of kin and Understanding our next...A perfect man should not have died for imperfect mortals.

If life were as it should be then we would not need God....

....But we do, because life is like it is, not like it should.

And I...well, I SHOULD get in the bed.

...........Peace until our next encounter.........