Thursday, May 14, 2009

"I need you here at 12 when I wake up..."

10 a.m....Backing out of the driveway....

Stop at Mickey D's on the way out for 2 hashbrowns, a sausage biscuit, and an orange juice....

Tank on FULL...

Radio in tuned to the Delta's best country station ((((This should last an hour and a half or so))))...

Windows down while the wind whistles in and out of the Infiniti. No air conditioner on....

Sun smiling up high. Clouds as blue as Smurfs...

....Gotta get there by 12 p.m....

Heartbeat....Pulse raging ((((At the thought of the destination))))...

Tree....Tree...Cow...Duck...Catfish pond...Catfish pond...

Left to thoughts...

An hour passes...There's Mississippi Valley State...Almost there...

Heart beating faster still...

Just 30 more minutes of agonizing anticipation...

It's quite climactic....

The apex of this journey is reached upon the entrance into the designated city....

Now, to find the house....Merge right...Keep straight...Left at the light...Down to the stop sign...Yep, this is the street...Ok, 2nd (or 3rd) house on the left.....Yes....There it is!!!

Car creeps into the driveway...Every one's home...Speaking of home....The house has a country feel...Looks like a house down in Savannah, GA....

Knock at the door...."Who is it???"...."Me!!!"...."Me who???"...."Who did you tell to be here at 12?!"......"WHAT"........Run to the door.....

Door opens....

To a pleasant surprise...The one standing inside is quite shocked, yet delighted beyond words....The one on the outside is even more excited upon this reaction....

Forgetting that no teeth had been brushed and bread crumbs were still quite present in the eye's corners....One rushes out to hug and kiss (on the cheek of course...) the other....

With no words, just smiles, both enter the house...This is the only moment that matters....Each being one another's only plan for the day....

"I need you here at 12 when I wake up."

"You never expected to see me, but here I am. Doesn't really matter what we do, as long as WE do it."

Events are to be left to the imagination, no matter what is to be imagined....

.........Peace until our next encounter.........


  1. FiRST my mouth drops, then..well, i'LL tell you about iT..kan't say how MANi TiMES i'VE read THiS just WiTHiN the past 8 MiNUTES!!.i FEEL LiKE a 'thank you' goes here because i APPRECiATE your work so much!.now, ask me AGAiN WHiCH iS my fave..

  2. Thanx for your comment CHiQ-a-Di...It was inspired by a friend. BEST friend actually.
