Wednesday, May 13, 2009


As the years creep on fly on by....

Ok, let's try this once more...As the years fly on by, life becomes a bit funnier than it was the year or even moment before...

Starting with the affairs of the world...

We (the United States) bomb them, then We give them bombs just to keep quite...A decade or two later, they hit us...Now, We're mad...So, We lie to the rest of the world like they contain "weapons of mass destruction" when We know that the only weapons they really have are the ones that We've been providing for the past 20 years or so. And the only thing they really have is suprisingly...OIL...Hmmm??? Now. What use have we for this natural element...I'm guessin' you can put 2 and 2 together. If you have, then you should be laughing right now......HAHAHA! This is truly an LOL moment people~~~~Still not laughing????

Ok, well what about this one....

So, there's this president right. The apple of the world's eye. Slick talkin', smooth walkin', weed smokin', jazz playin'......The economy is at its peek. People are living it up. We're all getting along for the most part ((((Except for that whole East Coast, West Coast mess...Which the police took care of...Right???)))) Ok, so everything is all hunky doory! People are rocking too big clothing...Burger, fries, and drink are all .99 cents! ....Every thing's cool, that is until somebody decides to stick a cock in their mouth and suck it!!!! .......I mean, it's cool...People have been sucking cocks since the beginning of time....And they still are....If somebody wants to suck a cock, who are we to stop them, right......But this cock, this cock was different! This cock belonged to the president of the United States of America....And, although I'm sure EVERY president has had his cock sucked at one point or another.......No president was so bold as to have his sucked right in the OVAL OFFICE, while signing a bill ((((Ok, so I added that part, but who knows...Maybe he was signing a bill!!!!)))).................This is not when everything feel apart, NO. It all fell apart when "The Sucker" snitched on "The Sucked"!!!! In front of the ENTIRE WORLD!!!!! I think you know who I'm talking about by now....Or at least you should! So, be my guess...LAUGH IT UP WILL YA!!!!

On a personal note....

It seems funny how you can put your whole heart into someone and when you ask for their hand, it's occupied....

Or maybe this is sorta funny...You give a kiss and it's never returned...Never thought that could happen...O but it does~~~~~~

If you still aren't laughing, maybe this will tickle your fancy....You trick yourself into thinking that you are really in love with someone or that they are really in love with you and .BOOOM. One little event changes this all...Then you realize that you have waisted years, months, or weeks of your life entertaining a notion that is nonexistant....Hmmm....This happen to any of you lately???

Ok, so life is a lot funnier to me than the average person...Even the quote-on-quote bad stuff that happens to us.......

...Like failing a course...Or slippin in dog crap...Or your gym shorts falling in the middle of a softball game, while trying to catch a pop-up in right field...Or getting run over by a police officer chasing a "criminal" through your front yard...Or many other things...I'll end the list now before you all realize just how unCOOL I really am....

.....Yeah, life is quite funny, so be my guess....ROTF and LYAO!!!!

.........Peace until our next encounter.........


  1. and to THiNK i THOUGHT i WAS the ONLi one who found humor iN THiS stuff!.HA!.well iF you've FAiLED at HUMORiNG anyone else..NEVERMiND, i'LL leave iT be once AGAiN..on to the next!.(iF Mi hand would stop SHAKiNG!)

  2. Yeah...This stuff is pretty funny man~~~~I really just wrote this for my sheer entertainment...Especially the "cock" part!!! Thanks for the laughs, Bill!!!
