Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Concrete Thought From the Blackberry...

I sat in the mirror today and just stared at myself....

....What I saw were brown eyes. Thick eyebrows. Pink lips. Mother's nose....All making up the jovial disposition of the one looking back at me. Seemed to be a waste....I already know my own physical make up...Something urged me to look a little closer. This I did do. Couldn't see my face any longer. What I saw was a stream of seemingly endless tears. Which saddened me. These tears quickly turned tonto laughter. Uncontrollable laughter. Behind the laughter I could still see the tears...I took a closer look...Saw the faces of others. Crying out for help. These faces turned into familiar ones....Loved ones...They quickly changed to past lovers...I backed up>>>The mirror went dark...No reflection of myself...Then came a brilliant light htat didn't leave. No longer could I see myself. I stepped away from the mirror. Peeked back. The light shown even more brilliant this time. A voice came from the light. "Eternal illuminance." My physical reflection returned...Perplexed, I departed from the mirror. Next morning, as I wipe my eyes in the mirror, this light continues to shine...No longer can I see myslf...I take out another mirror>>>Same results>>>The voice comes back. "No longer will u see your natural self. Only your spiritual light. For I AM the light that guides you. In My image were you formed. You are of the Spirit. Not this natural world. My light shall forever illuminate itself through you." Without a thought, I accepted this. This is my destiny. My light. My Self.......

....True event you ask???

....In every spiritual since of the word....

.........Peace until our next encounter.........

1 comment:

  1. W0W!. yet another ENLiGHTENiNG one (no pun iNTENDED!). and even the fact that you would blog about THiS so that all of cyberia (name i made up for people always on the internet..kool, huh?.i DiGRESS) proves that HiS LiGHT iS meant to SHiNE through you..hello world.meet worldchanger..SiGNiNG out..peace.
