Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Preparación para Costa Rica

Well...In exactly four days they are going to pack me up and ship me out. Where to? The tropical paradise that is Costa Rica...I'm always up for new adventures. New fun. New people. It is my belief that life is just one big Oddyssey anyways... ¡Vamos a la gente de Costa Rica! Funny thing about foreigners, they tend to be a bit less arrogant than us and a lot more humble...Except those damn Brits! (((( My puppy just barked for the 1st time! AWWW!!!)))) Maybe that has something to do with the fact that we won our independence from them??? Hmmm....Ok, so I'm over here brushing up on my Spanish and learning a few new phrases...Got all that. Only thing is that I don't know any "pick-up" lines! Hahaha!!! How on earth am I gonna be an international pimp???!!! Ok, I suppose I can go learn a few...Let me know what you all think. And please don't laugh! THIS IS A SERIOUS MATTER......

....Seven weeks of semiseclusion isn't really all that bad! When you have been dealing with arrogant US bastards for 20 years! Maybe I'll be treated like a queen when I get there! Kinda like Eddie Murphy in "Coming to America" only the other way around...And I'll be starring in "Coming to Costa Rica!" ((((My grandfather is on the phone gossiping again! He always uses the same line "Look now, this is just between me and you!" HA! It's freaking hillarious how MESSY senior citizens truly are!!!)))) Ok, so back to me being a Tico (Spanish for Costa Rican) Queen...As long as they don't do any sacrificing, it's all good! Oooo, they should fan me with big tropical leaves and feed me exotic fruit straight from the trees...Yeah, that's it! I know I'm exaggerating a bit...Ok, they don't have to fan me with the leaves!!! But the fruit is not up for disscusion! If I don't get my daily serving of fruit~~~~~OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!!!

....I digress....I'm gonna come back with the best tan any of you have ever seen! Yeah, it's gonna be quite sexy~~~So, cuff your man~~~HAHAHA!!! Ok, I'm done for now.....

.........Peace until our next encounter.........

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